
My Response When People Compare IQ Scores…

So I make a lot of post on social media and it is NOT uncommon for people to troll all over my social media post with some kind of nonsense and recently I noticed two people on one of my post arguing with each other over IQ scores trying to say they had a better IQ and that the other person had a very low IQ, so I decided to respond back to them with this comment below.

“Wow, people arguing about IQ scores. I believe that only God is more intelligent then the rest of us, and as humans we don’t even come close to the intelligence that God has. But I would like to say one thing, IQ scores are nonsense because God gave us all the ability to accomplish many great things if we work at it. I don’t believe that their are certain humans more or less intelligent then another person and some people are more talented in other areas then others, and real talent is something that you work hard for to achieve. Don’t forget that we were all created by God who is the one with the real intelligence. God Bless…”

So, here is my opinion on all of this. There are so many people these days who think that they are better then everyone else. Also a lot of people forget to realize that we were all created by God who is the only one who is actually more intelligent then all of us and we as humans don’t even come close to the level of intelligence that God has. I strongly believe that God has given all of us the ability to work hard and achieve the things that we want to accomplish in life if we put some time and effort into it. I don’t believe that people are born better or worse then anyone else and I do believe that different people are called to do different things in life so some people will be better in one area but not do so well in another area. So when people go around arguing about their IQ scores so they can try to act like they are better then everyone else, I just look at them like they don’t realize that nobody even comes close to the level of intelligence that God has so maybe they should stop judging people and start putting in the hard work and effort to actually accomplish something in their lives. Thank you for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online