
Why It Would Be Wise To Sign Colin Kaepernick To Star As Quarterback For Your Team? How The Radical NeoCons ruined his Career…

Hello everyone, and today’s articles is about former NFL quarterback and activist Colin Kaepernick. Did you know that Colin Kaepernick led The San Francisco 49ers to The Super Bowl in 2012. You would think that if a really great quarterback like Colin Kaepernick was able to lead a team to The Super Bowl almost every team would be making offers to try to get him on their team but because Colin Kaepernick was an activist and spoke his mind all these NFL teams decided to get involved in cancel culture and blacklist Colin Kaepernick because they would rather play politics then sign a great quarterback and potentially win a Super Bowl. In my opinion these NFL teams don’t have a clue on the real potential Colin Kaepernick has, and they all missed a big opportunity to have a winning season when they all failed to sign a great quarterback who was known for leading a team to The Super Bowl.

And what was the concern with Colin Kaepernick? It was the fact that he did not stand for The American National Anthem because America has a racist past. So because of this you had all the radical American Exceptionalism neocons outraged complaining about Colin Kaepernick to the point where no NFL team would sign him. What these radicals who criticize Kaepernick don’t understand is that in America we are meant to be a free county and if you don’t want to stand for the pledge you have every right to not stand up for it. They also don’t understand the fact that racism in America was a part of history and it was a violation of individual liberties for many people and it made the country that represents freedom a country of racism, slavery, and segregation. I even heard that there are some radical neocons out their who want to make burning the American flag illegal, and what they don’t understand is that this flag represents the freedom to express yourself including the right to even burn a flag if it is not vandalizing someone else’s property and they are not hurting anyone. Hopefully someday all these radical American Exceptionalism supporting neo cons will realize the true meaning of freedom in this country and turn away from their wicked ideas of war mongering, racism, and canceling people who excise their rights including their right to not stand for The National Anthem. Colin Kaepernick is a great activist who speaks his opinion and was one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history so hopefully someday we will see him in The Pro Football Hall of Fame because he really is a difference maker in our society. Thank You for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online