
A Message to all My NEOCON Critics who try to accuse me of being a Progressive Liberal…

This first section of the article is a response to a critic on social media:
I am actually a Tea Party Movement supporter who has my own independent views on things. I support the idea of limited government, the idea of supporting the free market, I oppose excessive government regulations, and support protecting our individual liberties, and support protecting our Christian values. Yes, I can be a Maverick and start following the beat of my own drum at times, but I ain’t no liberal either. The Democrats are running this country into the ground just like all the neoconservatives are. I am a Libertarian and don’t forget that the original Tea Party Movement was actually started by Libertarians like The Koch brothers and Rand Paul. So all this Trump nonsense needs to stay out of our movement, because The Tea Party Movement was about things like limited government and keeping a balanced budget NOT Donald Trump; and President Trump failed to deliver on these things and turn the GOP into a cult so I am now registered as a Libertarian and I support our original Tea Party Movement before President Trump played us like a bunch of sheep and we all fell for it including myself. I was once a Trump supporter myself until he corrupted The GOP and he once endorsed Clinton so why in the world was he even the nominee of The Republican Party in the first place to run against her? And after he become President, He cost us both the House and Senate, and now Joe Biden is in The White House, and I hope Trump does NOT run in 2024 only to help Biden get reelected. We need to nominate someone like Nikki Haley who would make a great President of this country.

This Next section of the article is a rant I made on social media because a bunch of Neoconservatives were getting upset with me for being an individual have forming my own opinions on things:

Regardless of what people are saying about me, I am actually very conservative and I have my independent views on things. Yes, I spoke out in favor of public transportation and city run health care at the council meeting a few weeks ago, but I personally feel that these are essential services that the city should be providing for the people, It does not make me a socialist for speaking in favor of these things. And people need to not forget that I spoke out against cutting wasteful spending as well, I mentioned how I feel that public libraries and public parks are not essential and how we should watch our spending on the excessive road construction, but these so called conservatives criticize me for that and start calling me a socialist and communist for speaking in favor of city run healthcare and public transportation.A real conservative would be able to recognize that too much of our tax payer money is going to these public parks and public libraries while people are not able to get public healthcare like they can get services from the police and fire department. One thing I would like to say is that real courage comes from someone who can follow the beat of their own drum and not go along with the crowd, real courage comes from someone who is willing to speak up about something even when it is unpopular. Sadly people are all stuck in their 2 party system mindset and don’t have the courage to break away from the 2 party system like I did.I get criticized by liberals because I am pro life, pro 2nd amendment, pro constitution, I am in support of traditional marriage and christian values, I support businesses, I am against excessive government regulations, I support protecting peoples individual liberties, I oppose the President, I oppose sanctions, and I support limited government.And I get criticized by conservatives because I oppose neoconservatives, I oppose these corrupt wars, I oppose the draft, I oppose American Exceptionalism, I speak up for some government services that I feel are essential like city run healthcare, and I oppose all the cults. By the way don’t you so called conservatives ever think about how much tax payer money has been wasted on these corrupt wars, definitely enough to pay for healthcare for the American people. And by the way, I thought we conservatives are supposed to support the idea of being an individual and forming your own opinion on things, lets all start showing some respect for each other. So maybe you all should think and do some research before you all go in falsely accuse a fellow conservative of being a progressive liberal.

The Barlett Online