
A Message To Everyone On Social Media, BE NICE…

Hello everyone today’s article is about why we should start being nice to people on social media. I post a lot of content on social media and one thing I been noticing is that people are NOT being very nice on social media. Yes, at times I post content that is very political but I do live in The United States of America where I do have the freedom of speech to express my political views regardless of how controversial they are. One thing that really annoys me to see people do on social media is all the name calling going on especially from fully grown adults. They are literally acting like a bunch of children when they do this. People can have a civil discussion about a controversial topic and agree to disagree with each other but when people start name calling they are NOT being civil. In some cases it can be a liability concern to be name calling on social media. I am not an attorney and can’t give anyone any legal advise but there are situations when people can sue someone for things like libel, slander, and defamation of character so please watch what you say about someone on social media.

A good rule a thumb is if you can potentially be sued by someone or someones business for posting something on social media, Don’t post it. Also never don’t gossip about people on social media or in person. It is a very childish thing to do and you can build better relationships with people by being friendly with them. Also don’t go around making up rumors about people; I see this so often on social media where people make up rumors about someone on social media that are not even true, and I have even seen edited images of people with some highly explicit content on social media. Sadly we live in a world where people can use technology in the wrong way to potentially edit someone on an incorporate image or with the ability to use a computer to edit the appearance of someones text in the wrong way on a social media to make a false screenshot of what someone said. Another thing that I been seeing people do on social media is taking pictures of someone or their property and posting it on social media without their permission. Never Do This Kind of Stuff. I would highly recommend that people start being nice to each other and start showing some respect for each other on social media. Thank You for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online