
Satire Alert: Hello, To All My Flat Earther Friends.)

Hello, to all my flat earthier friends. I am from the planet Earth.)) You know the planet earth that is actually shaped like a round ball.)) No need to worry about me, I come in peace.)) Hay, I got a really fun challenge for all my new friends from planet flat earth.) How about you buy yourself a large ship and see if you can sail around the world going in the same direction to see if you eventually will end up back where you started.)) But if you don’t want to spend your hard earned money on my really cool idea about sailing around the world, then maybe you can try getting a plane ticket from New York City, then you fly to London, Then you Fly to Moscow, then you fly to Tokyo, then you fly to Los Angeles, and then you eventually fly back to New York City. If would be a very fun adventure to see if you can fly around the world and end up in the exact same place while only flying eastbound.)) But if you still don’t believe me maybe you should get a window seat and make sure your plane ticket is for an aircraft that is capable of breaking the sound barrier if airlines still use these kind of planes these days and you may actually be able to see the earths curb from an airplane.)) How cool is that? By the way did you know that the earth has something really cool called mountains? It is very interesting if you claim the earth is flat but can see some bumpy mountains all over the place if you ever visit places like Phoenix, Arizona for example.)) Also there are videos of people online with weather balloons with cameras attached to them, if you can check with your laws in your area and see if you can attach a camera to a weather balloon and do a really fun and cool experiment to see what shape the earth actually is.)) I think you will be very surprised with the results.)) So why not give it a try? Thank you for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online