
How To Respond When Someone Plays The Woman Card To Justify Killing Babies With Abortion…

Hello everyone today’s article is going to be about how you should respond to someone who likes to play the woman card or the victim card to to justify killing babies by abortion. If you are a male the most common tactic you are going to run into is when a woman attempts to shame you for being a male and will tell you things like you don’t know how it feels to be a woman. The best way to counter the woman card attack is to find a pro-life woman who can help take your side and remind the person who is attempting to shame you that there are many woman out their in the world that wise enough to realize that killing babies is wrong. But if you are unable to have a woman help support you in your argument the next best thing is to remind them on how they don’t know and will never know about how it feels to be a baby who is murdered by the hands of an abortion doctor because that is a fact. The person who you are debating with on abortion is obviously alive and is able to speak unlike a baby who died who was unable to speak up for himself or herself. Also remind them the fact that when someone is pregnant that it is no longer one person but two people and when they try to talk about being pro-choice remind them about the baby not being able to make that choice for themselves. When a woman gets an abortion she is not only killing her baby but she is also violating the babies individual liberties on being able to choose life or death. If someone tries to claim that the baby is not human or is not alive then remind them that there is a heartbeat so the baby is alive, and also remind them of human features that a baby in the womb is in the process of developing. Something that I personally like to do when a woman tries to make this into a woman’s issues is that I like to remind them what if the baby is a woman and would potentially grow up to become a strong independent woman who does many great things for woman issues including protecting the lives and liberties of baby girls who are still developing in the womb. Below I have an example of a social media comment I made when a woman tries to tell me that I don’t know how it feels to be a woman because I am a man and I would strongly encourage people to respond in a similar way when people play the woman card like this because abortion is murder regardless of the situation and their is no justification for murdering a baby. Thank you for reading and God Bless…

An Example of me responding to someone on social media who attempted to play the woman card by telling me that I don’t know how it feels to be a woman.
“There are plenty of wise woman in the world who think just like I do and are pro-life and know that abortion is wrong so playing the woman like what our White House Press Secretary is doing is only going to get you so far. And when people play that game I am going to remind them that they don’t know and will never know what it feels like to be a baby who is murdered by the hands of an abortion doctor. Sadly their are a lot of female babies out there that are murdered by male abortion doctors who were never given the chance to express themselves. Who knows maybe one of these baby girls would have grown up to be a strong independent woman who does many great things for woman but instead they were murdered by the hands of some male abortion doctor. Also don’t forget to add all the racism involved in abortions because many of these babies murdered by the hands of these abortion doctors are African Americans so the radical left are definitely big hypocrites when they talk about how much black lives matter but then they support killing off the African American population with abortions.”

I would also like to note in this article is that we should support woman’s rights and liberties because they deserve to have every right a man has. I also would strongly discourage people from shunning woman who may have gotten an abortion in their past because even though abortion is murder and wrong; Many of these woman don’t realize what they are doing and I feel that God is a merciful God and we should not ever be shunning people for their past mistakes. Thank You for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online