
Speak Up For Federal City Run Health Care Mandate, Not Employer Mandated or Individual Mandated. Call Your Representative in Congress.

It is time for we the people to speak up and put corrupt “Big Pharma” out of business. We as taxpayers pay for a police department, we pay for a fire department, and we even pay for public schools that do absolutely nothing except for indoctrinate all your kids with anti-Christian propaganda and become a breeding ground for drugs. So, with all the money we as taxpayers waste on public schools, public parks, and public libraries I personally feel that we need to prioritize our needs over wants and have a city run health care system that is run just like how the police department is run. And for those who don’t like my idea on city run healthcare I want you to Imagine if someone were to break into someone’s home and the police needed to be called but they refused to apprehend the bad guy because you didn’t have public safety insurance? Do you really want to live in a world like that? In other countries like Mexico, Canada, The United Kingdom, and Russia the government provides basic healthcare for their people. Mexico in my opinion has the best system because they don’t have as many excessive regulations like America has to make healthcare expensive. And in Mexico the government provides their citizens with healthcare and because the American healthcare system sucks so bad many doctors and dentist in Mexico have set up their own private clinics to offer affordable treatment in Mexico for Americans to get at a more affordable rate.

Here is the solution to fixing healthcare in America and I sent a private message on social media to multiple members of Congress including both of our Senators from Arizona and they don’t listen.

The solution is very simple, First we must protect peoples individual liberties, Two we must not place any mandates on employers or citizens and force them to buy health insurance because forcing individual people to buy health care is corrupt and a violation of their liberties; and forcing employers to buy healthcare is only going to cause massive unemployment , and Three the simple solution is to get a federal law passed to mandate the city governments to provide healthcare for their people.

And for those people who think this idea is unamerican please read the preamble of The U.S. Constitution which talks about “To Promote The General Welfare.” Thank you for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online