
Hey Liberals.) Here are some wise tips on how to keep Donald Trump out of office in 2024 if your willing to actually listen to my concerns.)

Hello everyone and todays article is actually going to be some words of advise to the liberals in The Democratic Party on how to keep Donald Trump out of office in 2024. Now, you all may be wondering why a former Trump supporter would write an article like this and that is because I am a civil libertarian who is very unhappy with both Democrats and Republicans. I may have voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and was his biggest supporter then but after some concerns I had in 2020 I decided to vote 3rd party for Libertarian nominee Dr. Jo Jorgensen who would have made a great President if she would have won.

So, we all may be thinking How in the world did Donald Trump end up becoming President in the first place to begin with? Let me answer that for you all. I personally remember that during The Obama administration things did not go well for the people. Unemployment was high and The Obama Administration passed The Affordable Care Act which forced people to buy health insurance or you would have to pay a tax penalty and this resulted in a strong Tea Party Movement which resulted in GOP victories in 2010 and eventually Donald Trump winning The White House in 2016. What you all need to realize is that the people felt like Washington was not listening to them so we sent Donald Trump to the White House. I also recently watched a Michael Moore film about Donald Trump running for President and I would like to say that Michael Moore made some very good points about how the peoples concerns were not being met and we were likely to be stuck with Donald Trump in The White House and let me tell you that he predicted correctly. Donald Trump won in 2016 because people like me voted for him because we were unhappy with the policies of The Obama Administration and when the left played identity politics accusing us of being raciest and sexist you all just upset us even more and motivated us to voted for Donald Trump. I personally would like to see someone else in office rather then Trump again and I personally have gotten a lot of nasty attacks from Trump supporters for speaking out in support of The Libertarian nominee in 2020 along with condemning those who supported the capital riot. I also got a lot of hate from liberals for speaking up for protecting individual liberties which is weird because your party is supposed to be anti-war, anti-oppression, supported workers rights, and for justice reform. What Happened?

A Message to The Far Left, “Please Liston to our concerns on the right or we will very likely be stuck with Trump again for 4 more years in 2024.”

Joe Biden has been abusing his authority in The White House. The peoples rights and liberties have been violated all because of a pandemic. The radical left media has been fearmongering the people and have been warmongering trying to pick a fight with Russia even though Russia is just another democracy just like us with people just trying to live their lives in Russia peacefully who don’t want any problems. Do you all realize that you are no better then the corrupt Bush Administration when you warmonger with trying to start a conflict with Russia and are no better then then radical Joseph McCarthy when you fearmonger the people into compliance. What ever happened to The Democrats and Liberals who actually stood for something like protesting against war in Iraq and Vietnam, or speaking up for some criminal justice reform. These are the things you should all be talking about NOT this woke nonsense and trying to force people to comply with radical mandates or be fined and thrown in jail. Do you all realize what you are doing? Don’t you realize that you are NO better then The radical neocon Republicans who supported invading Iraq or the radical neocon Republicans who are profiling people who supported communism even though it was a 1st amendment violation for them to do so. If you can’t realize these things by now and want to continue moving your party in the direction of the woke mob, the direction of trying to pick a fight with Russia, and the direction of authoritarian run then you all need to realize that you are no better then The Republicans who all pulled this crap that your party once stood up against. But because your party keeps supporting all of this crap, We are in a situation where we have a very high chance of Donald Trump actually being reelected in 2024 if your politicians don’t stop oppressing the people and start listening to their concerns along with protecting their individual liberties. I personally don’t like LBJ because he was a raciest but he knew that he had to sign the civil rights act in order for him to keep his party in power so he did just that because the people were not happy about all these crazy Jim Crow laws and the people eventually did kick LBJ out of office because he refused to withdraw troops from Vietnam and who did we get as President? You guessed it. Richard Nixon who actually ended the war in Vietnam. Joe Biden really needs to be thinking about these things if he does not want to watch his party lose in massive numbers to Trump supporters and he will definitely lose in 2024 if keep keeps moving the country in the direction that it has been going.

By the way The Democrats in power should really be doing something about healthcare right now instead of warmongering with Russia to spread fear to try to get reelected. Did you know that that amount of money spent on Iraq and Afghanistan could have gotten healthcare for the American people? Just think about it. Also focus on justice reform instead of trying to criminalize everything like these radical neocons do. Here is how you fix healthcare, you pass a federal law requiring the city and local governments to do something about it, protect the peoples individual liberties, and you don’t put the burden on the individual who will be very unhappy to be forced to buy healthcare/pay tax penalty, or on the employer who will cut everyone back to part-time which will result in a massive unemployment crisis. What you do is make the local governments pay for healthcare with revenue collected from sales taxes just like how the police and fire departments are run and you don’t pass crazy health laws forcing people to change how they live because regardless if they went to the hospital over doing something careless it should not matter; What should matter is getting that person the care they need and it should be the city governments job to pay for that.

Liberals & Democrats on the left please listen to these concerns because you have a lot of angry people who are ready to vote your politicians out of office and will replace Biden with Trump in 2024 if you don’t Liston to our concerns. By the way if you really want to win in 2024 nominate Tulsi Gabbard for President and pick a running mate who is not part of the woke mob and will actually protect our individual liberties like Gabbard and you may actually get my vote along with many conservatives. Trust me you will make history on this one and will be doing a great thing for the country. Thank you for reading and God Bless. (And Please respect my right to say God Bless because this is one of those those things that made us all upset to vote for Trump back in 2016 and it is also my Constitutional Right to do so.) Thank you for reading and God Bless.

The Barlett Online