
A Call To End Cancel Culture…

Since the mainstream media made a big scene about the ex police officer involved in the George Floyd incident I decided to make a article to speak out against cancel culture. AKA the cancel cults.

First, Law Enforcement is there to help protect us and keep society safe. Not all law enforcement officers are bad and in fact most law enforcement officers are just trying to do a tough job and go home to their families everyday to help provide for their families. Most law enforcement officers in America are overworked and underpaid, especially correctional officers. Also, nobody is perfect, We should not be expecting perfection in our law enforcement officers. They are only human like the rest of us and they also make mistakes.

Second, The officer in the George Floyd case is presumed innocent until proven guilty regardless of what the mainstream media or popular opinion says. I personally feel that we need to have a law to make all court cases confidential to protect people’s confidential information. I personally feel that all police records need to remain confidential to protect the accused and those who already served their time. The news media and private citizens need to learn when to let law enforcement do their jobs they were hired to do. Also if you are ever questioned by law enforcement the best thing to do is remain silent and call an attorney even if you know you are innocent and never depend on a state appointed attorney. Law enforcement likes to play dirty games with people to get people to confess to crimes they never committed and these interrogation tactics need to be made illegal.

Third, We need criminal justice reform in this country. We need sentencing reform in this country, We need tort reform in this country, We need statutes of limitations in this county, We need immigration reform in this country, We also as citizens need to understand that once a convict completes their sentence they have done their time and in my opinion they should have all their rights restored, including their voting rights and an engagement of their record so they can find a job and get their lives together so they don’t turn back to their old criminal ways and go back to prison and cost more taxpayer money. I also strongly feel that we need to decriminalize a lot of petty crimes and offer alternative punishments instead of jail time for nonviolent people. And this might sound like a contradiction but I strongly feel that we need to enforce the death penalty for convicted murders. I also don’t support legalizing drugs such as marijuana or other dangerous drugs but in my opinion people who are caught with drugs should have to pay a fine or an alternative punishment instead of going to prison for it. It is not a contradiction if you put partition politics aside and think about how actual justice reform should work.

Fourth, Citizens are NOT law enforcement. Yes, We have our 2nd amendment rights to protect ourselves as we should be able to, and hiring trained private security is also beneficial but there is a big difference between citizens/security and actual professional trained law enforcement. I have been hearing a lot about the defunding the police movements on the news and how these movements are trying to take law enforcement powers from trained professional police officers and move that role to private citizens. This is very dangerous and the last thing we need in this country is to put law enforcement into the hands of the Kyle’s and Karen’s who will abuse their authority and in my opinion citizens’ arrest powers should be taken away from private citizens. If you are ever in a situation you call the police and make them do their job they are hired and trained to do.

Fifth we need to put an end to this thing called cancel culture because it is very dangerous for society. I keep hearing about politicians talking about gun control because of all the mass shootings going on. Why is nobody talking about how canceled culture is probably leading to an increase in these incidents. I strongly believe that God gave humans the choice to choose right and wrong and we can not go around blaming guns or mental illness for things people choose to do. The real problem is that canceled culture has gotten so bad that people lose it to the point where they lash out with violence on society and this is never the way someone should handle it. When you have an issue with someone you should always remain NONVIOLENT. The best thing we can do is NOT judge people and show some respect for one another but be firm when speaking up for what you believe in and only condemn the act NOT the person. Also NEVER SLANDER SOMEBODY PUBLICLY, and you can potentially get sued for doing that. Also again, If you are ever in a dangerous situation, let actual trained law enforcement handle things and stay out of it unless you absolutely are in a real situation where you need to defend yourself. And once the incident is over let actual trained law enforcement do their investigation not nosy citizens or the slanderous new reporters because that is how false rumors get spread and how innocent people get wrongfully convicted and that is how you can potentially get sued. Help keep our society safe by sharing this message to spread the word to put an End to Cancel Culture because it is very dangerous for our society.


The Barlett Online