
Charles Darwin: The Biggest Conspiracy Theorist of All Time.

Hello every one and today’s article is going to be about Charles Darwin who was probably the biggest conspiracy theorist of all time. You may start to wonder what was the biggest conspiracy theory of all time but have you ever stopped to think about how big the conspiracy theory of evolution really is. They even teach evolution in our public school systems here in The United States and brainwash young children to believe in an unproven theories that humans evolved from monkeys which is nothing but far from the truth. If you read your Bible you will learn about how God created everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th day and you only need to read the first chapter to figure this out but somehow some of these false churches will actually accept the teachings of evolution even though it is clearly a big contradiction if someone actually opened their Bible and read the first chapter about how God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. Hopefully you all can open your Bibles and tell your pastor to read Genesis Chapter 1 if they try to include evolution as an accepted practice in their church.

The big bang theory and Evolution has have many problems scientifically. If a particle exploded over a billion years ago then how was it able to turn into a complexly designed universe with scientific laws and order because if anyone knows anything about real science then they will shortly learn that explosions don’t create order they destroy order. Another thing to think about is how complex everything is in our universe and how everything was designed intellectually almost like if God is an artist painting a beautiful masterpiece. Think of it this way if you see a painting how do you think it was made. Obviously a painter painted that painting, but lets say some scientist decided to say that the painting was caused by an explosion and over a period of a billion years that painting evolved into a masterpiece. By the way where are all the missing links to evolution that scientist for some reason are unable to find? What about them duck billed dinosaurs or surfing monkeys rafting to South America that scientist believe in to brainwash more people to believe in their nonsense. Seriously, How much faith does it really take to believe in the big bang theory and in evolution because it sure makes a lot more sense to me to believe in God who created everything and intelligently designed everything. Hopefully this article will get you to starting to question the logic behind the conspiracy theory of evolution and get you to read your Bible and find the real truth on how the world was created. Thank you for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online