Comparing Presidents LBJ & FJB. Who Is Worse?
Hello everyone and todays article I am going to compare the two worst Presidents in history and that is President Lyndon Johnson commonly know as LBJ (You can all figure out what that stands for.) and President Joe Biden commonly known as FJB (Which we all know what that one means.) Lets get started and Lets Go Brandon!
So lets start with Lyndon Johnson commonly known as LBJ:
Lyndon Baines Johnson was a U.S. Senator from Texas who went on to become the Senate Majority Leader and after John F. Kennedy commonly known as JFK become the Democratic Presidential nominee he selected LBJ to be his running mate. The JFK/LBJ ticket won the White House in 1960 and something most people don’t realize is that JFK was a strong supporter of civil rights but LBJ was not. LBJ used to make racial slurs saying things like “I’ll will have those N****** voting Democrat for the next 200 years. Sure LBJ was a raciest and did not care much for civil liberties like JFK did but after Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 Vice President LBJ became President. Even though LBJ was a raciest and did not care much for civil liberties he quickly realized that he and his party would going to be thrown out of office if he did not sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which by the way resulted in LBJ being elected in a landslide in 1964 against Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater. But now lets jump forward to the 1968 Presidental election to where LBJ was up for reelection and had the lowest approval ratings of any U.S. President in history at the time along with public outrage over the Vietnam War. So let me give you a short history lesson here; Radical politicians decided to spread this new unconstitutional thing we now call McCarthyism which was when people had their 1st amendment rights violated when the government went after people who supported the political philosophy of communism. This fear pumping movement about communism has gotten so bad that the United States decided to invade Vietnam because for some reason the times have changed since the days of the founding fathers who believed in freedom and non interventionism and now was the time to warmonger and get our country into an unconstitutional war that was actually started by executive action without the approval of congress. Wow, The President can really do that? Well, it is obviously unconstitutional but I guess that because he is the most powerful man in the country with some help from the fear pumping media he can just about do anything unconstitutional these days.) But because of the public outrage over Vietnam, the lack of protection of civil liberties for African Americans, and complete failure for President LBJ to listen to the concerns of the people led to him having a low approval rating to the point where “We The People” kicked the tyrant out of office when he decided not to seek reelection over his low approval ratings. And who did we get? Well, we got Nixon who also invaded Cambodia and caused public outrage after the people elected him because he promised to end the war in Vietnam. So please keep these historical facts in mind when I start writing about Joe Biden.
So, Now Lets Talk About President Joe Biden Commonly Known as FJB:
Joe Biden coming known as FJB for obvious reasons was a Senator from Delaware elected back in 1972 back when Nixon was President before both of my parents were even born. Like LBJ Joe Biden lacked the ability to support protecting peoples individual liberties because while a Senator he opposed justice reform and support George Bush in the invasion of Iraq. After a very long career in The U.S. Senate with absolutely no term limits Joe Biden was picked by Barack Obama as his Vice Presidential nominee and together they won The 2008 Presidential Election. During the Obama/Biden Administration a lot of crazy stuff happened. We had The Affordable Care Act that forced people to either buy health insurance or pay a tax penalty. We had a war in Libya without congressional approval. We had a massive amount of unemployment due to employers cutting their employee back to part time because of The Affordable Care Act which was anything but affordable. (By the way City governments should be providing healthcare like they provide the police and fire departments, NOT place the burden on the employers and individuals plus get rid of these crooked health insurance companies that are nothing but crooked.) But after some massive public outrage over the failed policies of The Obama/Biden administration the people formed The Tea Party Movement which the radical left media decided to paint as a racist and sexist group of people with outdated ideas. The people did not like this and they voted for a businessman/reality television star by the name of Donald Trump as their President and the media did not like this. So what happens next, you had The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed along with many other deregulations that helped gain more support for Trump after he was elected to the point where he had a high approval rating up until the coronavirus pandemic hit. Then all 50 state governors from both sides of the aisle made a big mistake and locked down and told people to stay home or be fine/jailed which was a violation of peoples liberties. Then you had massive civil unrest due to the lockdowns and Trump made a big mistake when he sent his federal troops in to use excessive force on these people protesting for their liberties and against a police officer who murdered a former security guard by the name of George Floyd who lost his security job in Texas and moved to Minnesota due to the pandemic. The excessive force used in the death of George Floyd was so bad that the mainstream media jumped on the opportunity to spread hate against law enforcement and used it as a way to help gain momentum for Joe Biden to get elected as President. By the way I voted Libertarian for Dr. Jo Jorgensen in 2020 because both Trump and Biden failed to protect peoples liberties.
So, after Joe Biden was elected all these Trump supporters decided to make attempts to unconstitutional overturn the election to the point where the people rioted on the capital. Donald Trump made history for being the 1st President in history to be impeached twice and the 2nd time was a legitimate reason to have him removed in my opinion. But since Biden took office, he just like LBJ decided to ignore peoples individual liberties to the point where he as President passed crazy mandates through executive action to force people to comply with them which resulted in massive public disapproval. Then you have Joe Biden just like LBJ trying to start a war in Ukraine causing massive public disapproval. Unlike LBJ I personally feel that Biden and The Democrats don’t realize the fact that the people are very angry with these mandates and all the warmongering going on that they are going to very likely turn out in high numbers and vote Democrats out office which will lead to Republicans (Most likely Trump GOP Establishment Republicans) controlling congress. Then these people are more then then likely to send Trump back to The White House because Trump will likely manipulate the situation so he can get back in office. So Democrats do you really want Donald Trump back in office, if so then keep up with the stupidity of authoritarian rule and woke mob chaos but if not then start listening to these peoples concerns because they have legitimate concerns that need to be address. Thank you for reading and God Bless.