
Exposing The Wicked False Religion of Psychology…

Hello everyone and in today’s article I am going to expose the wicked satanic false religion of psychology because too many people are putting their trust in a philosophy that makes them very judgmental and are not putting their trust in God which leads people to be more loving and compassionate towards others.

The first key point I would like to make is that God created humans with free will and this gives humans the ability to choose right from wrong. God also gave us commandments in The Bible that we are commanded to follow and regardless of what kind of excuse we make as humans we must understand that all humans are accountable to God for their own actions. Too many times I hear about crime suspects who claim they are mentally insane so they can attempt to get off the hook. That is a bunch of crap because all crime suspects are still accountable for their own actions because God gave them free will to choose right from wrong. Another example would be when a some physiologist decides to go on television and claim that people are born with genes that make them attracted to the same gender which is nothing but propaganda because again God gave us all free will to choose right from wrong and having an intimate relationship with a person of the same gender is sinful in the eyes of God. Another example would be when these doctors go around saying that someone is born with a mental disorder and again this is nothing but more propaganda because our life circumstances define our mental state not some genetic code that we were born with. People need to realize that God gave every human being free will to choose right from wrong as well as the ability to choose their own lifestyle. I also feel that people need to realize to condemn the act and NOT the person when someone is not living the way God wants them to live.

The next key point I would like to make in this article is going to be about life circumstances. Most criminals don’t wake up one day and decide that they want to be a lifelong criminal and spend most of their lives in prison. Most criminals become criminals because their life circumstances helped make them the they they are. In my opinion most people who grow up to become criminals became criminals because their parents failed to raise them properly but I will get to that in the next section. One thing we as humans need to understand is that yes, we are all accountable for our own actions but we all must realize that none of us are perfect either. I personally feel that we as a society need to stop judging people for the mistakes they have made in the past especially when it comes to convicted felons who served their time and changed their life around. I personally got a lot of criticism for the article I wrote about why we should forgive Bill Cosby for his past mistakes and I am going to say what Bill Cosby did was disgusting and wrong but we need understand that people can still change their lives around. I am also a civil libertarian and I feel that we need to have statutes of limitations in this country and in my opinion would be 7 years for all felony except for murder and one year (maybe 6 even months) for all misdemeanor crimes, and enforce the death penalty for murder. Why do I say 7 years for felony crimes? Because The Bible says to forgive peoples debts after 7 years in Deuteronomy 15. Even God called a murder who persecuted Christians as an Apostle named Paul after he changed his life around but you need to understand that Paul was still punished for his sins and was in and out of prison before he was eventually was executed. This is a good example in the Bible on how God can be both a God of mercy and a God of justice because Paul was a murder and the death penalty was given in the bible for murder but then God is full of mercy by giving Paul the opportunity to be saved by the grace of The Lord Jesus Christ by paying for him with his blood on the cross. The last point I would make in this section is that we must forgive others for their past mistakes because not only are we commanded in the Bible to forgive our brethren but also because it is the right thing to do. I am so sick and tired of all this cancel culture nonsense going on in our society today and for those who read my articles will understand that I like to write articles to help stand up for people who have been victims of cancel culture because cancel culture really is just a nasty form of bullying someone for their past mistakes they made in life. Also don’t be surprised if all those cancel culture bully’s have some dirt in their own lives because nobody is perfect except for The Lord Jesus Christ. But, even if you become a victim of cancel culture or some other type of bullying it is best to turn the other cheek because we are not perfect either; no one is except for God.

The next key point I would like to make is when parents will substitute real parenting with some medication and a smart phone. It is sad to see that too many parents these days don’t take the actual time to raise their kids and will take their kids to some psychologist so they can drug their kids up on some form of medication and of course the doctor is going to support this plan because this is how they make a lot of money. No, wonder our society is falling apart these days. Not only is this a terrible way to raise your kids but it will make life harder for your kids when they grow up. Sadly in today’s society our government officials have made it to the point where certain occupations can legally discriminate against someone who has been diagnosed with some form of mental illness all in the name of public safety because our government officials are idiots. If I were a parent who had a child and someone told me to get professional help for that child I would tell them no, and would not substitute real parenting with some prescription drugs and a smart phone like what a lot of parents are doing these days and each generation of kids is getting worse and worse as a result. I also would home school my kids and tell them to know their right to remain silent and tell them that it also applies if they were being questioned by some shrink and I would teach them that if they say the wrong thing they could be locked up in a hospital, medicated, and will have a tough time trying to find a career because our government legalized mental health discrimination in many occupations such as law enforcement, pilots, truck drivers, and military employees. Most law enforcement agencies even go the extra mile with psychological exams, medical exams, and polygraph test but for some reason one of the worst serial killers by the name of Gary Ridgway was able to pass a polygraph test in 1987. By the way I used to work as a correctional officer and I have noticed that most criminals are really good con artists and know how to manipulate the system so I would not be surprised on how many dangerous criminals can pass a psychological test. So next time you try to play psychologist when you judge someone please remember that even the craziest people know how to manipulate very well and it fact this will probably make you more vulnerable to these kind of con artist. A good example would be when a woman attempts to play psychology games with a man she is dating and then falls victim to some kind of abuse because the bad guy is going to know how to play their game and manipulate it very well while the good guy is going to probably get dumped and shunned because he does not know how to play their game. In my opinion parents need to actually take the time to raise their children and not substitute real parenting with drugs and a smart phone, our government officials need to stop discriminating against people who have been diagnosed with a previous mental illness, and people need to stop being so damn judgmental.

The last thing people need to understand is that if you keep judging people for their past mistakes you are making yourself more vulnerable to someone potentially getting very upset and lashing out at you. And just because someone lashes out does not make them crazy either because a person can only take so much crap before they brake and this can happen to even the most mentally stable person if life keeps coming down on them so hard. Also gaslighting has become so common these days that I am not surprised when I see many people lashing out at each other as a result. Also don’t shame either side after someone lashes out because you are only going to make things worse. People need to learn how to develop their deescalation skills and parents it your responsibility to being teaching your kids how to deescalate a conflict because it is very important to know this for when a situation occurs. I would also encourage our government officials to learn how to deescalate situations with people and not provoke people; as a civil libertarian I worry about how the idea of an authoritarian style of government during the coronavirus pandemic can easily escalate things into a bad situation because people can only take so much crap before they brake especially when they are told they have to wear a mask, they have to stay home, they can’t go to church, or even visit their dying family members that they may never see again in this lifetime it is going to make them go crazy to the point where they just can’t take it anymore. Also as a civil libertarian I condemn the use of violence of force against another person and if you decide to get violent then I am going to side with law enforcement on this one because violence is NOT the proper response and you are still accountable for your own actions. When we face adversity we are commanded to turn the other cheek and not get violent and even our Lord Jesus Christ had to face adversity and he never gotten violent even when he was nailed to a cross to pay for all of our sins. I would like to thank you for reading my article, and I would like to ask you to share this article with your friends and make this article go viral because this is the message people need to be hearing. Also feel free to check out other articles on my website; some of them are funny like when I poke fun at popular conspiracy theories and other articles are more serious like this one. Thank you for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online