
How The Mainstream Media Is Spreading More Hate Propaganda About Russia Again?

Hello everyone and today’s article is about why our American news media is spreading propaganda about Russia again. The first thing I would like to say is that The United States needs to be neutral and not stick their nose in other nations business. American has made enough mistakes in the past by going into Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan all without congressional approval to secure the border of a foreign nation but fails to secure the border of its own nation. The United States should NOT try to be the world’s policeman and by doing so The United States is only creating more problems than it is trying to solve. Also, the American mainstream news media needs to stop spreading hate and lies about Russia because Russia is actually a nice country. I have personally been to Russia before and I am in a relationship with a beautiful Russian lady, and I feel that Russia is actually a nice country to visit with some very nice people. I also have Ukrainian ancestors on my grandma’s side of the family and as an American citizen I feel that we as a multicultural nation should remain neutral and not get involved in these things. I personally want the American people to realize that Russia is a very nice country and is not this evil empire that the propaganda spreading fake news media makes Russia out to be.

The American people also need to realize is that the Soviet Union fell in 1991 and Russia is no longer the same nation during the cold war but is now The Russian Federation where people have their liberties just like America has. Russian President Putin was elected by their people just like Joe Biden was elected by The American people. Also, in Russia people have free speech just like they do in America, and Russian culture is so much nicer their because people still have respect Christian conservative values their unlike in America these days. Also, here in America we are a multicultural society where we have people from many nations living here including from Russia so let’s NOT start discriminating against Russians like we have discriminated against many other groups of people who call themselves Americans. So please do me a favor America and stop spreading lies and hate about Russia because we should not be enemies but friends.

Another thing I would like to say is that the last thing American needs to be doing is picking a fight with Russia because it will only result to problems that we can’t even imagine happening and if you think a pandemic was bad imagine people getting sick and dying from radiation due to us destroying everyone on the planet with a nuclear war to fight for the stupid petty interest of politicians and not the interest of the people of those nations who are affected. So, our world leaders better stop fighting with each other and learn to work with each other by deescalating the situation. It is time for us all to make peace and stop the fighting with one another. I also feel that it is our duty as Americans to protest any dumb war our President tries to get us into like when the American people protested the Vietnam war because America has no reason to be getting involved in these petty wars. We the people should also speak up to abolish the military draft because America is supposed to be a nation about freedom and liberties NOT a nation of forcing people to fight in 3rd world countries that America invades to serve the interest of corrupt politicians. Something very important that I strongly feel that all world leaders should understand is that we the people of American don’t want war and we don’t want to fight but sometimes our media and politicians who support the military industrial complex want to fight against the will of the people and I think people of other countries can also relate to this because they don’t want to fight with us either their politicians are causing the problems not their people so politicians all over the world please do your people a favor and stop placing excessive sanctions on other countries that only hurt the people in those countries and don’t ever put your people in another war because we the people in American and we the people around the world don’t want to fight but would rather have peace with one another. Thank you for reading, please MAKE LOVE NOT WAR and GOD BLESS…

The Barlett Online