
How To Stand Up To The Woke Mob and End Cancel Culture For Good. #StandUp4OurFriends

Hello everyone and today’s article is going to be about how to stand up against the woke mob and put an end to cancel culture. I am so fed up with all this cancel culture nonsense going on in social media these days. These cults like to publicly shame people and attack our Christian Conservative values all over social media. I even seen situations where the woke mob has cost people their jobs, their social status, their businesses, and many other areas in their life. It is time for us to put an end to this crap once and for all. As most of us know cancel culture is nothing but a form of bullying someone for what they said or done. It comes in many forms such as publicly shaming someone for what they said or did and boycotting their business. These crazy cancel cults have even gone way too far to the point where they have gotten people fired from their jobs, sued in a court of law, and have completely ruined peoples lives. This is going to stop and we are going to help those who have been victimized by this cult we call the woke mob who has been using these cancel culture bullying tactics.

The first thing we need to do is pull together as Christians and support each other the best we can. When we see someone being bullied by the woke mob we should not be silent. We need to help support those who are being bullied with cancel culture tactics the best we can. Some things we can do are saying nice things about those people who are bullied online right in front of these woke mobsters and they will have a fit when they see a large group of Christians saying nice things about the people they are bullying with their cancel culture tactics. Another thing we can do is shop at peoples businesses who have been publicly shamed online by the woke mob especially those businesses that are currently in a pending lawsuit by a woke mobster. For example there was once a bakery that got sued for refusing to bake a cake for a same sex couple because they did not want to compromise on their religious beliefs. What we all should have done in this situation was buy cakes from this business to help support them during those rough times. For now on when we see a business being boycotted by the woke mob, being sued for not compromising on their religious beliefs, or being fined/shut down by the government we are going to pull together and support them the best we can. We are also going to support those who are being bullied online by the woke mob by saying nice things about those who are being canceled. What we are NOT going to do is name call those in the woke mob because we are the adults here and know better then to say mean things to others and use the same dirty cancel culture tactics against them. We are going to start a movement of being nice to people as Bible Believing Christians should be doing and when we see one of our fellow Christians being bullied by the woke mob we are going to support them the best we can and publicly name the nicest things about them and these cancel culture mobs are going to have a hissy fit when they see all of us saying very nice things about the people they are picking on. Thank you for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online