
Now Is a Good Time For Workers To Unionize Especially With The Job Shortage Going On…

Hello everyone today’s article is going to be about why now is the time for workers to unionize because of the employment shortage. The first thing I would like to say is that the right to organize should be a bipartisan issue because workers should always be given the right to organize and speak up for better working conditions without having to worry about being fired for speaking up for better working conditions. The problem is when someone is forced to join a union because nobody under any circumstances should ever be forced to join a union. The idea of forcing someone to join a union but then claim that they support better working conditions while they want the government to force someone to take a vaccine is the pure hypocrisy of the Democratic Party. By the way President Biden is clearly acting like a communist dictator and needs to be impeach for abusing his authority while in the White House. I can rant on and on all day about how our President has done many things to abuse his authority but that will be for another article; This article is going to be about why workers should be speaking up for better pay and working conditions especially when there is a workers shortage due to the stupidity of President Biden forcing companies to force their employees to get vaccinated while giving away free handouts to people who don’t work at all and live off of the government from my hard earned tax payer money. Now is the time to take advantage of the situation and start speaking up for better pay, better promotion opportunities, and better working conditions.

So Lets Start With Truck Drivers:

I was once a truck driver who drove over the road and I only took that job because I was in a situation where I married a woman who lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere Nevada who refused to move to an area with better employment opportunities because of the family pressure to stay in that small town. So I did what I had to do and took out a loan for approximately $5,000 to get a CDL and I had to take a job driving across the country where I was never home and it got so bad to the point where the woman I was married to decided to just walk out on the marriage and I was struck in this truck driving job with a $5,000 loan to be paid off unless I was able to finish a full year driving trucks for the company I got a CDL loan through which was of course financed with some help of the federal government. (Note: By the way when the federal government gives out student loans or government grants, Guess what happens, all the colleges and vocational training schools will raise their prices to crazy amounts of money because they know how to get rich off of that system.) But what ended up happening for me was I decided to move back to Arizona and took a local driving position for that same company until I was 10 months in and they fired me for losing my cool on the dispatcher and yelling who wants to go on strike in the brake room. Now you all may be thinking why in the world would somebody do such a thing like that with only 2 months left on their contract and be stuck paying $5,000. Well all I could say is that I had nothing to lose. My wife walked out on me, the company I was working for micromanaged me, I made a change in my church denomination which was a very big deal for me at the time, and I was just too stressed about about the fact that this job led to a failed marriage so I had nothing to lose but start speaking up to the point where I didn’t even care if they fired me and I had to pay $5,000 for losing my cool with the dispatcher, refusing a load, and yelling who wants to go on strike which of course led to me being terminated for refusing a load after I signed an agreement that I would not refuse another load. Do I have any regrets for being fired and still having to make payments of about $155/month until I pay off the CDL that I eventually decided to drop because it just was not worth keeping? Nope, I am an activist who now has a story to tell because I can now use my situation against these crooked trucking companies who like to take advantage of drivers like myself. I am NOT going to tell you which trucking company did this because I don’t believe in cancel culture and I am so fed up with the idea of canceling people so I am going to be speaking up about the industry in general because almost all the major trucking company’s are pulling this same nonsense. What I would like to say is we need a law passed to first abolish DOT logging requirements because no driver should have to worry about being stuck with an excessive fine because they can’t find a place to park for the night especially in California where it is almost impossible to find a parking space and it has gotten so bad to the point where drivers have to park on the side of the road. The next thing we need is a law requiring companies to pay their drivers the state minimum wage for every hour that they are away from home and this must include overtime if it passes 40 hours a week. Watch how quick these greedy trucking will stop pushing drivers too their limits of potentially getting a log violation if they had a law requiring them to pay their drivers for every hour they were away from home. By the way when I refused that load that got me fired I was required to drive from Casa Grande to west Phoenix with only 2 hours left on my DOT clock and I knew that I was not going to make it which is what started that argument with my dispatcher in the first place. Also if trucking companies are required to pay there drivers for every hour they are away from home they will start making every effort to get their drivers home more often with their families and you will see a lot more load swapping and a lot more local truck driving jobs for drivers to be home daily which will result in less of a shortage because drivers will be paid good money and still be able to be home with their families everyday. You also would see a lot less situations like the one I was in where I wife walked out on my like that while I was out on the road but don’t worry even though I still am making payments on my old CDL I dropped I still figured out how to save money fly to Russia during a worldwide pandemic to meet a beautiful woman that I truly love and I was able to pay for the trip and pay to finance her visa because I am a hard worker and I work as much overtime as I can get unlike all those lazy people who sit on their butts all day collecting unemployment benefits. In my opinion people should only be allowed to collect off of the government are the elderly and disabled, and if people can’t find a job then they should be working 40 hours a week for their unemployment benefits and be drug tested. By the way the federal government should abolish the CDL medical card requirements along with the FAA Medical requirements because that is called discrimination when you refuse to hire or give a license to someone because of their medical disability. There are those who like to play the Mr. Safety Card but because I am a civil libertarian I would like to remind you all that President Reagan once said, “Those who trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course.”

Now Lets Talk About Law Enforcement, Medical Workers, and other First Responders:
I once worked as a correctional officer and thankfully when I applied to become a correctional officer all I had to do was pass a background check and a drug test to be hired. This is the way it should be for ALL jobs should be but many federal, state, and local agencies like to discriminate against people applying for these kind of jobs by requiring a medical exam, a physiological exam, and even a polygraph test. What a waste of hard earned tax payer money to require law enforcement employees to have to take a polygraph test even though one of the worst serial killers by the name of Gary Ridgway was able to pass a polygraph test. And like I said in the truck driving section requiring a medical exam is just another way to discriminate against the disabled along with the discriminatory physiological evaluations that are so pointless that most con artist criminals can probably be able to manipulate them. And some of you may think I am crazy for saying this but I even had to pass a stupid medical exam to work as a private security job where I am around normal people not inmates and just watch CCTV cameras all day and walk around the property checking for damages probably because the company does not want to be sued if someone gets hurt on the job which in my opinion is pure nonsense because our individual liberties are more important and we should not ever have to take a discriminatory medical exam to get a job or be forced to get a vaccine in our arms to get or keep a job. Even though I am a former correctional officer who had to deal with crazy prison inmates all day I still feel that once someone does their time and completes their sentence then we should give them a fresh start in life so in my opinion we can definitely use some laws to abolish background checks and give all people the right to vote regardless of their prior convictions or incarceration status. Law enforcement officers also deal with a lot of stress everyday and the last thing they need is micromanagement from their supervisors. I also would like to say that if you work in law enforcement you are NOT in the military and if you work in security you are NOT a police officer because I am so sick and tired of all the micromanaging that goes on in this industry because managers and supervisors want to be mister tough guy and act they they are still in the military. All this makes me want to do is speak up against idiots who support the military industrial complex who support invading other countries that our country has no business being involved in so these Mister Tough Guy micromanaging bosses know not to play their stupid military games with me. It also would be a very good idea to fire all the trigger happy idiots who make working in law enforcement suck for everybody because all it takes is some idiot to do something stupid and end up in the news then we all have to deal with angry idiot protesters who want to shame us for our decision to work in law enforcement or security. Another way we can improve the industry is don’t accuse your employees for every stupid little thing especially if you have no evidence which happens all the time in law enforcement and security. They even micromanage so stupidly in law enforcement for example if I did not shave my face to military standards then my supervisor would start accusing me of things. But because working as a correctional officer was too much of a stressful job for me and I got so fed up with dealing with taunts from inmates all day, micromanagement from supervisors, and lack of support from coworkers that I decided to quit after 7 months and work private security. And after seeing so much blood in inmates after seeing them get into their fights over the pettiest little stupid things I can really feel bad for what kind of crap medical workers have to deal with. I personally can never see myself working in the medical field especially when the sight of blood is disgusting and it can be way too traumatizing to see. But of course our government officials who probably never worked a day in either law enforcement, security, or the medical field want to force employees to get a vaccine in their arm or lose their jobs. Well, all I can say to you all is speak up for a big pay raise because their is no reason they shouldn’t be giving you a big raise for this crap on top of all the other crap you have to deal with every day in your highly stressful occupation. Even if you don’t win the vaccine protest because our President wants to be stuck up and act like a communist dictator you still deserve a better paycheck because working in these jobs is just pure stress everyday so make sure you are all speaking up for a big pay raise for all the crap you have to deal with. And the protest for a big pay raise should also apply to truck drivers as well because they deal with so much crap as well and in fact prison inmates are actually treated better then the average truck driver and I can say this from experience working in both a prison and driving a semi truck that in both jobs the prison inmates were treated a lot better then me.

As for other workers:

Ever since I got fired from my trucking job I would fall under this category. I eventually got a job a week later at a call center and after about almost year I decided to quit and go back to work in the private security industry because they micromanaged too much at the call center and under payed me and I know that working security the pay is much better and it actually can be one of the easiest jobs in the world depending on who your manager is. Where I work now, they pay me $16 an hour which is only $2 less then I made at the prison and definitely more then I made truck driving to watch cameras all day and check for damages to equipment and I have nothing bad to say about them except for that I hate the mask mandates and the pre-employment medical along with asking about my vaccine statues was a bit too excessive, but beside for that I actually love my job. My manager does not yell and cuss at me like past supervisors did, they pay me a living wage, my job is very simple and I am around people all day who are nice and are not wanting to stab me for the uniform I wear, I get a really nice schedule with a lot of overtime work available for me to make some extra money, my manager/supervisors are all very understanding, and my manager works with me if I need to request time off from work as long as I let him know 2 weeks ahead of time so I was able to take a week off to visit Moscow to see my lovely Russian lady and I was even given vacation pay for it. So I am actually doing very well with my current job and you could all too. Let me tell you why I was able to find a job in these better circumstances. First I did not rush the process of finding a job, I learned from my previous mistakes on why you should never quit a job before finding a new job. Next thing I did was I did a lot of research on companies before I applied to work their because I wanted to make sure I was dealing with people who are professional and not going to underpay me and treat me like crap like previous employers did. I also had plenty of security experience under my belt where I was able to negotiated where I worked and what they were going to pay me which is something every employee should be doing because the more we negotiate the better off we will be as employees. So in my opinion collective bargaining and speaking up for workers rights must be protected in order to protect the rights and working conditions of workers and workers should never under any circumstances ever be forced to join a union. One thing you can all do is contact your local elected officials and speck up for the rights for workers to organize and tell them to pass laws to protect workers from being wrongfully terminated because they voiced their opinions because someday it might be you in my situation. Thank you for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online