
UFO Sighted In Apache Junction? Or Is This Just Another Wacko Conspiracy Theory?

So hello every one, Did you hear the news about The UFO sighting in Apache Junction, Arizona last night. Did you notice anyone missing because they have been abducted by aliens. It was a very interesting experience to encounter extra terrestrial life. We even got some proof to post it online an share it all over social media for everyone to see for themselves. Some people even believe that this is a reptilian elite group of aliens who abducted everyone last night. I was so worried they might even take me with them, and I had a very strange dream last night where I was in space and and was able to see real live aliens with a reptilian like appearance. They even told me about their crazy plan to create a one world government and about how they are the ones really in control of our world economy. I was definitely a very interesting experience to encounter. I hope they don’t come for you next.

Well everyone, Do you believe me or do you think I am just full of crap like any other wacko when telling you this story. I would hope that you would think that I am full of crap for telling you this story, not because of the unlikeliness of this ever happening and the fact that there are so many crazy conspiracy theories out there on the internet just like this one, but because I just made this story up to prove a point to you all how easily conspiracy theories get spread around on the internet. And the picture you see in the article is NOT even from Apache Junction, Arizona but is a public domain photo that was taken in Passaic, New Jersey in 1952 most likely of a blimp or similar looking aircraft in the sky. But there are many people willing to jump to conclusions and say it was aliens because of course that will make a great headline for a conspiracy theorist news website. What is really interesting is NOT the fact that there are so many conspiracy theorist out there in the world who are just looking for ways to drive traffic to their websites to make some money, but the fact that there are so many idiots in the world who actually believe in this kind of nonsense. I hope you all enjoy reading my fun and interesting article and thank you for reading, and God Bless…

The Barlett Online