
UnCanceling Big Bird; By saying something nice about Big Bird.)

Hello everyone and today’s article is going to be about Big Bird you know the big yellow bird that we all used to watch on television as children growing up. So since conservative news media, U.S. Senator from Texas, and a former U.S. Presidential candidate has been hurting big birds feelings over the past few years I have been challenged to say something nice about Big Bird. As most people may already know is that there has been some controversy about Big Bird taking the coronavirus vaccine in the news media lately. I personally am a civil libertarian and I feel that it should be someones personal choice to get vaccinated and I am against the idea of the government forcing people to get vaccinated so if they want to use Big Bird to convince people to get a vaccine then I don’t see an issue with it as long as they are not forcing and compelling people to take a vaccine against their will. By the way Big Bird has been a very good influence in the community to children for many decades so I personally am not going to let a vaccine ruin my childhood and neither should all of you.

But since someone on social media decided to challenge me by saying something nice about big bird because his feelings have been hurt due to cancel culture tactics used by conservative news media and conservative politicians that I normally support I am decided to take on that challenge and say something nice about Big Bird for you all. Hopefully this article will stop his wings from hurting from the shot and make it all better.

Here is my statement on social media to respond to the person who challenged me to say something nice about Big Bird:
“Big Bird is very educational character to the children to watch so putting politics aside I think Sesame Street was an interesting show to watch growing up. What parents can do is also take the time to teach their kids things and spend time together as a family besides for having them watch television 24/7 but once in a while it is good for the kids to watch something like Big Bird on television. And watching Big Bird on television can also be a great way for the family to get together and do something as a family. An even better idea would be for parents to get their children some educational books with Big Bird and help them learn how to read when they are younger because I am pretty sure Big Bird would really appreciate it if parents buy his books for children to learn to read the old traditional way instead of on the smart phone or tablet where they get no real social interaction with their parents and who knows what kind of content they may find on the internet. So I would like to say Big Bird can be a very good influence on the children especially if they are learning to read books the old traditional way as a family.”

The Barlett Online