
Why we need a law to make all court trials & police investigations confidential.

Hello everyone and today’s article is going to be about why we need a federal law to make all court trials and police investigations confidential. Most Americans should already know about the fact that ALL SUSPECTS ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW and about a suspects rights to remain silent and their right to an attorney. We as Americans should also know about our 5th Amendment rights that protect suspects against self incrimination and from double jeopardy. But for some reason our news media likes to make a big scene when it comes to court trials. We as members of the public have heard it all everything from Bill Cosby to George Floyd to Bill Clinton to Kyle Rittenhouse and it is all their own personal business and none of the public’s business in my opinion. Recently in America we have had two big name court trial which were the trial to convict the officer who killed George Floyd and the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. I strongly support the courts decision to convict the officer who killed George Floyd but I strongly disagree with how the media got involved and created a big scene over the trial to the point where the media and protesters attempted to manipulate the outcome of the trial and massive civil unrest was a result. This is why I try to avoid watching the news whenever I can. Now you have a situation where a man by the name of Kyle Rittenhouse was put on trial and made claims of self defense and the verdict was read as NOT GUILTY but even though he was found NOT GUILTY he and his family are going to have to live with the fact that he was part of a nasty court case that have a massive amount of media attention. I even heard some nasty comments on social media saying they should go after his family and I heard things on the news where they should try to have another trial which would be unconstitutional because it would be Double Jeopardy which was the case in the Bill Cosby trial where his double jeopardy rights were violated when they had a mistrial. Then of course we had the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton that was 100% political nonsense because nobody cared about the petty nonsense the President was involved in at the time. But because these court trials are getting out of control and the woke mob is trying to go after everyone they can and violate peoples constitutional rights I am calling on members of Congress to pass a federal law to make all court cases and police investigations confidential. Maybe we should also call on members of congress to make all police records confidential and pass a law to make it illegal to stop a person from voting and from being able to get a job because of some mistake they have made in their past. Our government has become so damn bureaucratic to where almost everything has become a public record all in the name of “Transparency” but do you really want to be living in a world where your arrest records, your traffic violations, your financial records, and maybe even your medical records someday become a public record all in the name of transparency. It is time for we the people to be speaking up to protect the confidentially of the innocent and to punish the guilty by making it to the point where they won’t be committing crimes in order to gain media publicity. I used to work as a correctional officer and one thing I noticed is that guilty criminals love to brag about all the messed up things they did and about all the media attention and making court trials confidential will help protect the innocent from all the nasty public shaming going on in the world and from the guilty suspects from being able to brag about all the media attention they receive while they are in prison. Thank You for reading and God Bless…

Here is a statement I made on social media in response to the innocent verdict of Kyle Rittenhouse:
It was none of the public’s business in my opinion and I personally did not pay much attention to what was going on during the trial so I still don’t know a lot of details about this trial and I know very little about what happened because I try to avoid watching the news when I can avoid it but I am starting to feel that we need a federal law to make all court trials and police investigations confidential to protect the innocent because all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. By the way guilty suspects love the praise they get in the media and they brag about the media attention they get when they are in prison (I use to see inmates brag about this all the time when I worked as a correctional officer) so I think making court trials and police investigations private because we need to stop punishing innocent suspects and rewarding guilty suspects.

Here is another statement I made on social media when someone made a really nasty comment toward a family member of Kyle Rittenhouse:
There is no reason for you to be going after someones family member like that. All the families involved in this situation are going through a rough time in their lives so going after family members like that is just pure wrong. We should be praying for the family members on both sides not publicly humiliating them like that. Also the mainstream media has no business in the courtrooms and in my opinion we need a law to be passed to make court trials confidential to protect the innocent. The fact that our media has the ability to manipulate court trials is ridiculous and is a violation of due process. Also because Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty it would actually be a violation of his civil liberties to attempt to overturn his innocent findings because the double jeopardy portion of 5th amendment of the Constitution must be enforced. Thank you for reading and God Bless…

The Barlett Online