
#Free Britney, Don’t Violate Her Individual Liberties…

Hello every one today’s article is going to be about the Free Britney Movement which is a movement to help protect the rights and liberties of Britney Spears who is a great singer. Sadly in america over the years there has been a lot of corruption in the healthcare system including the corrupt idea that the government has tried to put people away as being insane, and if you don’t believe me on this one, look up one of the greatest actresses of all time by the name of Francis Farmer who had her liberties violated for expressing her views. This is a violation of someones liberties and this kind of nonsense needs to stop. The only time when someone is justified to lock someone up is when someone committed a crime and I am not talking about all these petty victimless crimes that need to be repealed because they are only passed to help the prison industrial complex. Also no family member should ever have the right to try to take over an adult like what the father of Brittney Spears did and there needs to be laws passed against this kind of nonsense. It reminds me of how when adults try to take advantage of their elderly parents by putting them away in a nursing home. It is so sick and wrong and we need laws passed to protect peoples liberties regardless of how crazy someone may appear to be. And Brittney Spears can manage her own life, she has plenty of money that she earned for being a great singer. Sadly in America there are so many parents who also like to take advantage of their kids by claiming that they are mentally ill because they are to lazy to raise their own children and then these shrink doctors are making big money off these lazy parents that don’t know how to control their own kids because they are to damn lazy to try any real parenting and they let the smartphone raise their kids instead. If there ain’t no crime, then there should be no time. And all these non violent victimless crimes need to be repealed in America and we need to focus on protecting peoples individual liberties. God Bless…

The Barlett Online