
How To Resolve The Russia-Ukraine Crisis?

So I keep being asked by people what is my solution for resolving the crisis in Ukraine so here is my response to that:

What The U.S. should do in my opinion is start leading by example by being a neutral country that our founding fathers wanted us to become by not engaging in armed conflicts like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Somalia. We also should not be picking sides by funding proxy wars with foreign aid and sanctioning other counties which only hurt the people residing in those counties and have little to no effect on the filthy rich politicians who make the actual decisions.As far as resolving this Russia-Ukraine crisis the President of The United States needs to work out a win-win deal where everyone wins. These are my personal opinions on what should be done to resolve this conflict.

For Russia: The U.S. President should lift all sanctions including sanctions that were in place before this conflict started giving Russia a fresh start under the condition that Russia withdraws its troops from Ukraine and releases Alexly Navalny and The U.S.A takes Alexly Navalny and his family in as U.S. citizens to protect him from further prosecution. Maybe even try to get them to enforce their own Constitutional protections on freedom of speech which is part of The Constitution of The Russian Federation and try to restore term limits that were removed during the coronavirus pandemic as a tool for negotiating a fresh start agreement but if this does not happen they should at least settle for a fresh start agreement in exchange for ending the conflict in Ukraine. There also needs to be some agreement on The Donbass region because there has been a civil war in this area for the past 8 years and these rebels are likely going to continue to fight if they remain as part of Ukraine. I personally don’t think that it would be in Ukraine’s best interest to control this region due to the fact this region has a lot of political instability so Ukraine should get the monkey off their back and let these people have their own republic.

For Ukraine: There needs to be some form of security guarantees and NATO is not a good solution for this. What people need to understand is that NATO expansion provoked this conflict in the first place to begin with. NATO was also formed as an anti-Russian alliance during the cold war so expanding NATO near Russian territory is not a good idea. If I were The President The U.S. would not be part of NATO because The U.S. is supposed to be a neutral country as our founding fathers wanted it to become. Trump made the right decision for withdrawing from NATO and Biden made the worst decision by bring our country back into NATO. In my opinion Ukraine should join The EU and work something out with The EU to give them security guarantees for their country. The U.S. Should not send troops in as this may provoke a direct conflict with Russia. Like I said earlier about the Donbass regions I don’t think it would be in Ukraine’s best interest to try to hold on to this territory because holding on to it will only create more problems in the future with people rebelling in the Donbass region like they did for the past 8 years.

For The United States: The President needs to tell the people the truth about how U.S. interventionism caused a problem when a coup was set up in Ukraine back in 2014. The President in my opinion needs to apologize before the U.N. for all the conflicts that were started by The U.S.A. such as Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, and Somalia and reassure the people of the world that for now on The U.S.A. will become an armed an neutral country that will focus only on securing its borders here at home. The President should remind the world that sanctions don’t work and only hurt the people suffering from oppression in those sanctioned countries and should call on the world to move on from the past mistakes of other nations so we don’t repeat the same mistakes that were made against Germany after WW1 which led to Hitlers rise of Nazi Germany. And The President should say that when The U.S. decides to withdraw troops from a foreign territory we have come up with a proper procedure consulted by our top military officials that will help protect the lives of civilians, diplomats, journalists, and no U.S. military equipment will be left behind for the enemy to use for a safe and smooth transition out of these countries. And for all the hard earned tax payer money that will be saved from not engaging in war The U.S. Federal Government should distribute those funds to city and local government across the country to fund their own local public healthcare systems where there citizens wont have to pay a single red cent for healthcare.These are thing things I would be doing if I were The President of The United States. Maybe President Biden should wise up and take some of my advise on how to manage foreign policy because what he is doing is not working.

The Barlett Online