
How To Fight Censorship By Distributing Content Offline Door To Door?

Hello everyone and today’s article is going to be about fighting censorship online by distributing content door to door. My name is Jeff Barlett and I founded Barlett Media because I hate it when big tech social media companies try to censor my content. I recently created 2 projects I am about to carry out in The North Forth Worth, Texas Area and that is distribute The Barlett Newsletter and my door hangers in an effort to promote my content and to build a base of advertising clients in The North Fort Worth Area. Why do I distribute door to door instead of paying for ads online for social media? Well, because big tech social media companies are well known for censoring peoples content and for selling businesses fake bot generated views when it comes to advertising so I go the good ole fashioned route when it comes to advertising. In my opinion the best way to promote your content these days with all the censorship and rigged algorithms going on with social media is to NOT waste your money advertising online but instead pay a door hanger service like Barlett Media for example and do some good ole fashioned door hanger or newspaper advertising. Trust me on this one because when a person sees one of my door hangers on their front door they got no choice but to see it unlike on social media where the rigged algorithms decide who gets to see your content. For those who run a business in The North Fort Worth, Texas area please click the link below where you can learn more about having your door hangers distributed with Barlett Media. * Please check with your local laws in your area about getting a business license if you ever decide to for your own business similar to mine where content is distributed door to door as some jurisdictions may require permits. If you plan to hire Barlett Media to promote your business permitting requirements in your area will be checked before distribution. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

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